Redescription of Tachardiella ourinhensis Hempel, 1937 (Hemiptera: Kerriidae) and its transfer to Neotachardiella gen. nov., with descriptions of two new species of Neotachardiella on Myrtaceae from Brazil and Uruguay. Kondo T, Pacheco da Silva VC, Marsaro-Junior AL, Takahashi SM, Peronti ALBG. Zootaxa, 2025.
Redescription of Tachardiella ourinhensis Hempel, 1937 (Hemiptera: Kerriidae) and its transfer to Neotachardiella gen. nov., with descriptions of two new species of Neotachardiella on Myrtaceae from Brazil and Uruguay. Kondo T, Pacheco da Silva VC, Marsaro-Junior AL, Takahashi SM, Peronti ALBG. Zootaxa, 2025.
Bibionidae (Diptera: Bibionomorpha) from Uruguay: updated inventory including first reports of four species. Pacheco da Silva VC, Schelesky-Prado DC, Fitzgerald SJ, Serra WS, Scarabino F, Costa A, Hagopián D, Martínez M. Zootaxa, 2025.
Bibionidae (Diptera: Bibionomorpha) from Uruguay: updated inventory including first reports of four species. Pacheco da Silva VC, Schelesky-Prado DC, Fitzgerald SJ, Serra WS, Scarabino F, Costa A, Hagopián D, Martínez M. Zootaxa, 2025.
A new species of Neonella Gertsch, 1936 (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryini), new records and conservation issues for the genus from Uruguay. Hagopián D, Cajade M, Maldonado MB, Pompozzi G, Laborda A, Simó M. Arachnology, 2024.
A new species of Neonella Gertsch, 1936 (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryini), new records and conservation issues for the genus from Uruguay. Hagopián D, Cajade M, Maldonado MB, Pompozzi G, Laborda A, Simó M. Arachnology, 2024.
Large climatic variations weaken sexual selection for nuptial gifts in spiders. Pavón-Peláez C, Diniz V, Paredes W, Teixeira R, Costa-Schmidt LE, Santos A, Buzatto BA, MJ Albo. American Naturalist. 2024.
Large climatic variations weaken sexual selection for nuptial gifts in spiders. Pavón-Peláez C, Diniz V, Paredes W, Teixeira R, Costa-Schmidt LE, Santos A, Buzatto BA, MJ Albo. American Naturalist. 2024.
Two new species of Sarinda Peckham & Peckham, 1892, with an update on Sarindini in Uruguay (Araneae: Salticidae). Hagopián D, Bustamante A, Laborda A, Simó M. European Journal of Taxonomy, 2024.
Two new species of Sarinda Peckham & Peckham, 1892, with an update on Sarindini in Uruguay (Araneae: Salticidae). Hagopián D, Bustamante A, Laborda A, Simó M. European Journal of Taxonomy, 2024.
Catálogo Taxonômico da Fauna do Brasil: setting the baseline knowledge on the animal diversity in Brazil. Boeger WA, (+195 autores), Pacheco da Silva VC. Zoologia, 2024.
Catálogo Taxonômico da Fauna do Brasil: setting the baseline knowledge on the animal diversity in Brazil. Boeger WA, (+195 autores), Pacheco da Silva VC. Zoologia, 2024.
New records of spider flies (Diptera: Acroceridae) in neotropical jumpingspiders (Araneae: Salticidae). Hagopián D, Laborda A. Entomological Communications, 2023.
New records of spider flies (Diptera: Acroceridae) in neotropical jumpingspiders (Araneae: Salticidae). Hagopián D, Laborda A. Entomological Communications, 2023.
Trait-specific indirect effects underlie 1 variation in the response of 2 spiders to cannibalistic social partners. Henriques JF, Lacava M, Guzman C, Gavin-Cento M, Ruiz-Lupión D, Viera C, Moya-Laraño J, Magalhães S. American Naturalist, 2023.
Trait-specific indirect effects underlie 1 variation in the response of 2 spiders to cannibalistic social partners. Henriques JF, Lacava M, Guzman C, Gavin-Cento M, Ruiz-Lupión D, Viera C, Moya-Laraño J, Magalhães S. American Naturalist, 2023.