Redescription of Tachardiella ourinhensis Hempel, 1937 (Hemiptera: Kerriidae) and its transfer to Neotachardiella gen. nov., with descriptions of two new species of Neotachardiella on Myrtaceae from Brazil and Uruguay. Kondo T, Pacheco da Silva VC, Marsaro-Junior AL, Takahashi SM, Peronti ALBG. Zootaxa, 2025.

Bibionidae (Diptera: Bibionomorpha) from Uruguay: updated inventory including first reports of four species. Pacheco da Silva VC, Schelesky-Prado DC, Fitzgerald SJ,  Serra  WS, Scarabino F, Costa A,  Hagopián D, Martínez M. Zootaxa, 2025.

 Large climatic variations weaken sexual selection for nuptial gifts in spiders. Pavón-Peláez C, Diniz V, Paredes W, Teixeira R, Costa-Schmidt LE, Santos A, Buzatto BA, MJ Albo. American Naturalist. 2024.

Two new species of Sarinda Peckham & Peckham, 1892, with an update on Sarindini in Uruguay (Araneae: Salticidae). Hagopián D,  Bustamante A, Laborda A, Simó M. European Journal of Taxonomy, 2024.

Trait-specific indirect effects underlie 1 variation in the response of 2 spiders to cannibalistic social partners. Henriques JF, Lacava M, Guzman C, Gavin-Cento M, Ruiz-Lupión D, Viera C,  Moya-Laraño J, Magalhães S. American Naturalist, 2023.